Donate and Pay Online!
Peruse the list, make your choice, and click! You will see a new screen from which you specify the amount and click the payment method button (PayPal or credit/debit card*) .
- If PayPal, log in, then optionally “Add a Note” to enter a donation reason or honoree, and click “donate now”.
- If Credit/Debit card, there is nothing to log in to. Optionally “Add a Note”, enter in your card information, and click “donate now”.
* NOTE: If you are already logged into PayPal you won’t see the credit/debit card option.
Thank you very much for your generous financial gifts to MRT!
Payments Toward Quarterly Statement:
- Annual Commitment: Online payment of your annual pledge.
- Religious School Tuition: Online payment of your children’s Religious School tuition.
- B’Nai Mitzvah Fee: Online payment of your child’s B’Nai Mitzvah fee.
Key Funds:
- Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund: This fund is used at the discretion of the Rabbi to assist those in need and for the support of worthwhile projects in our congregation and community.
- Cantor’s Fund: This fund is used at the discretion of the Cantor for the purchase of music, congregational projects and charitable giving.
- RSJP Endowment Fund for the Future: This endowment provides the financial stability to carry on the work of Monmouth Reform Temple. It will perpetuate the special combination of culture and philosophy unique to MRT ensuring a continuing Jewish presence in the community. To see a promotional video featuring Rabbi Sally J. Priesand and members of the Temple click here.
Building and Operations:
- Capital/Operating Reserve Fund: This fund to provides reserves for both capital and operating needs.
- General Fund: This fund is used in support of MRT projects.
- Arts & Deco Fund: This fund is used to enhance the beauty of the exterior and interior of MRT.
Youth Education:
- Religious School Endowment: This endowment supports the effective preparation of our young people to lead meaningful, engaged Jewish lives.
- Rivken Summer Camp Endowment: This endowment provides subsidies for youngsters in MRT families with financial need to experience an overnight reform Jewish summer camp experience at one of the many URJ camps.
- Dr. Shirley Z. Gardy Fund: This fund provides financial assistance for children identified as needing special education and for all of our children to attend special programs to further their Jewish identity.
- Senior Youth Group Fund: This fund supports youth programming for MRT Senior Youth Group.
- Junior Youth Group Fund: This fund supports youth programming for the MRT Junior Youth Group.
Adult Education:
- Adult Education Fund: This fund provides opportunities for members to enrich their understanding of Judaism and Jewish culture through courses, lectures, and cultural presentations.
- Scholar-in-Residence Endowment: This endowment provides for recognized scholars who will give 3 lectures over the course of a weekend on a particular Biblical/Jewish theme.
- Library Fund: This fund enables the library to purchase books and audiovisual materials.
Social Action:
- Social Action Fund: This fund supports the work of MRT’s Social Action Committee in its efforts to help repair the world.
- Gan Mazon Fund: This fund supports the the year-round efforts to produce and deliver food from the MRT Garden of Plenty.
- Fund for the Homeless: This fund supports the work of Interfaith Neighbors which provides rent subsidies and support services for those in the community who are in need.
- Fund for the Righteous: This fund offers assistance, recognition, and honor to Righteous Gentiles who risked their lives to save Jews during the Holocaust.
- Mazon Fund: This fund supports the Jewish response to hunger, assisting those in need in America and throughout the world.
Ritual and Inreach:
- Caring Network Fund: This fund provides support and help to Temple members in their time of need.
- Prayer Book Fund: This fund purchases prayer books and bibles.
- Transportation Fund: This fund covers costs to transport those congregants who are unable to drive to services.
- Oneg Fund: This fund provides for the food and beverage for an Oneg every Shabbat eve.