MRT Offers Live Streaming of its Services!

Welcome to Monmouth Reform Temple’s Live Streaming Page. We are thrilled you have decided to join us for worship. If you are not yet a member of a congregation and interested in learning more about MRT we would love to meet or speak with you at any time. Please contact our Rabbi, Cantor or Membership Chairs to talk about becoming part of our special community! Or click here to be taken to our Membership page for more information.

We are pleased to announce that we have vastly improved our live streaming via Live Control. Instead of a stationary view distanced from the Bema, two cameras will be remotely panned and zoomed to dynamically display varying, focused, and close-up views of our Clergy and Service Participants! Financial gifts from individuals and various MRT groups have allowed us to bring to you the latest in live streaming technology! We welcome your comments on this new capability – please email Cantor Clissold directly.

How to Access our Live Stream – Choose one of the following:

Shortcut to Archived Services: Click Here

Important Note: We are blessed to serve our community. Please help us continue this important work with a kind donation by clicking here.