B’Nai Mitzvah
At MRT we see the celebration of the Bar or Bat Mitzvah as merely one milestone in a Jewish life. That said, we recognize it as a significant accomplishment and seek to ensure your child feels confident and prepared for his or her special day. Approximately twelve months prior to your child’s simcha, he or she will begin weekly lessons with Cantor Clissold. The focus of these lessons will be mastery of the Hebrew prayers and melodies, Torah and Haftarah portions. Incorporated throughout are also monthly meetings with Rabbi Kline to discuss and prepare for your child’s D’var Torah and Mitzvah Projects. Families are encouraged to participate throughout the whole process of B’nai Mitzvah, including the service. To that end, we understand many of our families are interfaith and look for opportunities to engage all parents and family, who have supported and encouraged their Jewish student.