Ongoing Programs at MRT (partial list)

Program Description Contact
The Center in Asbury Park Provide support via High Holy Days food drive, preparing and serving meals for residents.

Cheryl Gaudette

Lunch Break Provide support by periodically donating food and meals.  
Assisted Living Provide monthly Shabbat Services and collections from High Holy Day Food drive

Judy Raybon

Gan Mazon Garden of Plenty! MRT’s organic vegetable garden, food donated to Lunch Break.

David Levinsky

Habitat for Humanity Labor and support to renovate affordable housing.  
Family Promise of Monmouth County Member of support network of faith-based congregations providing temporary housing for homeless families.

Kay Wiesenfeld

Central Jersey Blood Bank Several annual blood dirves

Dean Ross

Monmouth County Park System Trail maintenance for Henry Hudson Trail and other parks

Mark Gruensfelder

Shine-a-Light Initiated partnership with St. Anthony’s to provide and ensure bicycles in Red Bank and other areas have lights.

Dean Ross

Mitzvah Day Annual MRT social action day

Kerry Krachman